The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is a non-profit service organization aimed at informing the community of the qualifications and achievements of women engineers. Its mission is to stimulate women to achieve their full potential in their careers as engineers and as leaders, to expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and to demonstrate the value of diversity.
The Rowan University student chapter provides young women and men in any STEM field with a professional, supportive, and social group of peers. Rowan SWE holds biweekly meetings where members are able to exchange ideas and receive updates about upcoming events and opportunities. The section participates in numerous outreach activities including SWE Gives Thanks, Relay for Life and work at the Glassboro Family Success Center, among others. Rowan SWE also has a presence in local schools including Washington Township public schools and Deptford High School. As a club, SWE also attends national and regional conferences to network and begin to prepare for life after college. If you would like to fid out more information about the Society of Women Engineers, please visit the national SWE website by following the link here! Here you can also find out how to apply for paid membership to the national organization. Rowan University is a part of SWE Region E! SWE's Region E covers the mid-Atlantic area, including New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. The region encompasses thirteen professional sections and fifty-nine collegiate sections. Please visit the Region E website here! |
SWE: not just for engineers!
SWE is seeking majors outside of engineering and would greatly benefit from fresh insight! SWE is not just for engineers, and it also not just for women; Men are welcome and encouraged to attend. SWE wants to see its members advance, earn jobs in industry or pursue higher degrees, and go on to be leaders in their fields.
In the past SWE membership has been solely comprised of engineers, but recently we feel expanding our reaches within the Rowan community would not only benefit current members, but the community at large! SWE has much to offer in terms of opportunities for interships, full time positions, and the pursuit of graduate degrees.
Find out what SWE can do for you!